Coeliac disease

Coeliac disease is an auto-immune disease, which means a lifelong reaction to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. It causes damage to the lining of your small intestine, which can rob your body of important nutrients such as iron, calcium, vitamins B (including Folate), D and E and selenium. Symptoms vary but can include bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and fatigue.

If you’re a newly diagnosed Coeliac, it can be difficult to know what to do next. The only treatment for coeliac disease is following a gluten-free diet, which can seem quite daunting at first. But don’t worry, with our range of products, all approved by Coeliac UK, going gluten free doesn’t mean you have to go without the good things in life. Learn more about coeliac disease and how to manage it below.

Warburtons Gluten Free Crumpets with Cheese
Coeliac disease

Looking after children with coeliac disease

Warburtons Gluten Free Crumpets
Coeliac disease

About Coeliac Disease

Warburtons Gluten Free Fish Finger Butty on Tiger Bloomer
Coeliac disease

Gluten Free Kids

Warburtons Gluten Free Crumpets
Coeliac disease

Questions about coeliac disease

Warburtons Gluten Free Steak Rolls
Coeliac disease

Do you know your coeliac disease facts from the fiction?

Warburtons Gluten Free Tiger Bloomer with Avocado
Coeliac disease

Staying healthy on a gluten free diet