
Serves: 2

Total Time: 15 mins

You will need

2 Warburtons Gluten Free Pittas

4 sunblush/sunsoaked tomatoes in oil

2 tbs pesto (try and get the fresh pesto from the chiller but a jar is also fine – check it’s GF)

1 ball fresh mozzarella (or use the little mozzarella pearls)

Large handful spinach leaves

Olive oil, for cooking

Salad leaves and cherry tomatoes

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  1. Cut the pittas in half widthways and carefully open up the pocket.
  2. Lift the tomatoes from the oil and roughly chop. Tear or cut the mozzarella into chunks
  3. Spread a little pesto over the insides of the pitta pockets then stuff with the mozzarella, spinach, and tomato pieces. Add another dollop of pesto to each pocket
  4. Heat a griddle pan or frying pan over medium heat and when it’s hot, add a very small drizzle of oil. Place the pittas onto the griddle and cook, without turning, for a couple of minutes until the cheese is starting to melt and the bread is toasting ni
  5. Add a tiny drizzle more oil then turn the pittas and cook the other sides for a further 2-3 minutes or so.
  6. Serve with salad on the side

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Suitable For

Suitable for Home Freezing